Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fast First Flower

So there I was, struck by a wonderful painting--"My Favorite Bouquet"--by Francine Dufour-Jones. I stumbled on the painting, posted via Daily Paintworks, when I was scrolling through Facebook. Unlike most art that pops up, I found myself returning to it to look at over and over again. I decided to buy it.

I marveled at how she depicted a vase of flowers. So loose, so colorful! Arresting even. I was so taken with this "discovery," I wanted to see if I could emulate what I'd found. Using artificial flowers (purchased years ago to use as references for trappings for some carousel horse paintings) as my model, I "splashed" paint on my panel for about an hour and came up with this:

"Some Roses"
6" x 6"
Oil on Gesso Board

Not bad, if I do say so myself. It was fun to paint and made me think that flowers will be a promising subject for further depiction.